I often go post at the Ontario Landlord Association. It is a website where landlords can post about the many landlord issues and get help for their landlord problems. I find it quite radical at times which is why I don’t have the site in my blog-roll.
The other day while doing my post about the 10 Tips to Get the Worst Tenants I discovered that Gotta Rent had a banner advertising for tenants on the Ontario Tenants Rights Website.
Tenant activists can be some of the worst tenants you have ever seen as I posted over at Million Dollar Journey. They are annoying, they will withhold rent with the slimmest of excuses, they will drive you crazy, they are abusive and like to call people slumlord etc.
The idea that a company that is selling advertising to landlords would put a banner ad up on a tenant activist website is appalling. They either have no understanding whatsoever of the landlord business or they don’t care. In a very real world way landlords are now supporting the Ontario Tenant’s Rights association with their advertising dollars and being funneled some of the worst tenants available.
I also suggested that Landlords either not buy advertising from Gotta Rent or email them at their contact form.
With in a few hours my post was removed because people had complained.
As landlords we have a lot of buying power. If we work together to advocate effectively for ourselves we can make changes that will cause changes in our operating environment. Private companies who like to cash our checks will listen to our complaints. We can vote en masse with our feet (and our money) when we discover that our suppliers are doing things that are not in our best interests.
I was over at The Consumerist this morning. I was randomly checking landlord news and discovered this wonderful post on Launching An Executive Email Carpet Bomb I hate to say it but other companies that landlords consume many services of are the credit companies. I am not impressed with them whatsoever. Landlords order millions of credit checks per year yet Transunion won’t even report Landlord & Tenant judgments. I don’t care if my prospective tenants pay their Rogers bills or Cell phone bills. I do care if they pay their damn rent and cause damages. Here is the copy of the email Transunion sent me last September.
Good afternoon, TransUnion has made an internal policy decision to not report Tribunal judgments to the database.
Team Leader Data Acquisitions, TransUnion Canada
—–Original Message—– From: Rachelle Berube [mailto:rachelle@landlordrescue.ca] Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 5:16 PM To: Customer Service Subject: Reporting form
Dear Transunion,
I have an account with you. I would like to report Tribunal Judgements. Could you send me the form and the fax # to send it to?
Maybe if we work together we can make their “internal policy makers” change their minds. Working independently we have almost no power at all. I did complain about their policy when I heard about it but got absolutely nowhere.
OCAP has protests at the Landlord & Tenant Board why don’t landlords? After all that place is the scene of an awful lot of what’s wrong with being a landlord. When they removed default judgments on tenants they told us all that they would hire many more adjudicators to handle the extra case load. They didn’t and now landlords lose even more money waiting for their hearing.
Anyone wanting to work with me or having ideas on how to make some real changes to our working environment just use the contact form to email me.